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Choose your pricing plan

  • Unlimited Online Cla

    Every month
    Unlimited Online Classes
    • Unlimited Online Classes
  • 4 PT Session/Month

    Every month
    Monthly Personal Training Package
    • 4, 45 Min PT sessions to be used within the same month
    • Must be done via autopay to receive this discount.
  • 8 PT Sesh a Month

    Every month
    Monthly Personal Training Package
    Valid for 120 months
    • 8, 45 Min PT Sessions to be used within the same month
  • 4 PT and Unltd Class

    Every month
    PT and Classes
    Valid for 120 months
    • 4 PT Sesh & Unltd Online Classes-To be used in same month
  • Nutrition Coach

    Every month
    Nutrition Coaching
    • *UNREAL DEAL* ~ One-on-One Macro Nutrition Coaching
    • Consultation and review of your current goals, macros, s
    • Access to nutrition and fitness app
    • Meal Planning Sequence
    • Access to Private 'Macros & Movement' Facebook Page w Workou
    • Recipes and Support
    • Grocery Lists
    • Daily Weekday Check-Ins Via Trainerize app
    • Daily Habit Planning personalized just for you
    • Workout Plan and Videos
    • Review of your myfitnesspal app
    • Link Fitness Watch to app
    • Progress Pics and more
    • 6 month Min Commitment
  • Nutrition Coach

    Every month
    *UNREAL DEAL* ~ One-on-One Macro Nutrition Coaching
    Valid for 120 months
    • Consultation and review of your current goals, macros, stats
    • Completely new and creative nutrition and fitness app
    • Unlimited Online Classes
    • Access to Private 'Macros & Movement' Facebook Page w Workou
    • 4 PT Training Sessions within the month
    • Weekly meal planning sequence (up to 4 weeks)
    • Daily Weekday Check-Ins Via Trainerize app
    • Personalized workouts with video and images created for yo
    • Review of your myfitnesspal app which will be linked direc
    • Linked fitness watch to track activity
    • Progress pics
    • 6 Month Commitment
Monthly Plans: PaidPlans

Monthly Plan Options


Monthly Plans: Welcome

Macros and Movement Monthly Program

Monthly Plan

Monthly Payment Plan for Macros and Movement

Monthly Plans: HTML Embed

Unlimited Monthly Classes

Unlimited Monthly Classes

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Monthly Plans: HTML Embed

Subscribe Here

Monthly Plans: HTML Embed

Ultd ClassRecording

All Access

This is your Embedded item paragraph. It’s a great place to add a description of your written, illustrated or visual content, as well as any other format that you have embedded in your site. Don’t hesitate to use this space to add valuable information for your users, and encourage them to take action.

Monthly Plans: HTML Embed
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